Thursday, July 26, 2012

Gettin' a little bit of ice cream

It's been super hot outside, but today we decided to finally get out and get some ice cream. We headed over to Goody's, pretty much our favorite spot and indulged ourselves in some yumminess.

West Valley Work Party

This year the WVMC work party was at the Canyon County Fair. It was catered by Dickies, and other than being hotter than hot, it was a good time. We ate as much food as we could considering it was over 100 degrees outside and rode as many rides as we could stand. All in all we had a good time.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Louis and I took Rachel down to Louis' parents house ins southeast Idaho. They live in a small town called Chester, about an hour or so from Yellowstone.

Rachel's cousin, Kylie, was there. She had never gotten to meet her before, so it was awesome that she was able to be there. Kylie lives in Utah and was spending the summer with her grandma and grandpa.

This is the store that Louis' parents used to own. He basically grew up working in this place.

The park in St.Anthony had these crazy swings. They went super high.

Miss Rachel blowing bubbles.

Cruisin' down the looksws fun

exhausted on the car ride home

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July

We went to Lucky Peak to go swimming. We all had a lot of fun. The water was way too cold for me and Louis to get in, but the girls braved it a little bit. After we hung out for a little bit we went over to my moms house for a BBQ. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the BBQ, Louis, or anyone else other than me, B, and Zo.