Thursday, February 21, 2019

Third Trimester and nursery

Alrighty all my people- we made it to 29 weeks today!! We are officially a couple weeks into the final trimester!!! I have officially become uncomfortable pretty much all the time at this point: heartburn constantly, extreme fatigue, indigestion, a huge tummy and of course no lack of pains and strains by the end of the day.  However, there is light at the end of the tunnel- while my due date is still 11 weeks away, at my last doctors appointment- on Valentine's Day, the doctor and we decided it would be better to do another c-section vs a VBAC, therefore we scheduled that for MAY 2!!! So that means in 10 small weeks we will be holding our little dude.

Im a little bummed about having to do another c-section but oh well- it really only matters that he is healthy and gets here safely.  We did my glucose test and another set of labs also at my last appointment.  Glucose came back great but my iron wasn't awesome- it was still to an almost critical low so they've added iron supplements on top of my prenatal vitamin. They make me puke though so hopefully that fun little side effect goes away soon.

We've pretty much got everything ready for the little monster and we are so excited that we have a solidified date for him.

We have his nursery basically done so I'll share a few pictures!!!

what nursery would be complete without a sloth chair?

didn't his daddy do such a good job painting his room?!?!