Monday, November 21, 2022

2022 Photo Dump #8-August

Chickens at Z's school down in Mexico

Mia, one of the horses she rode

and another- Mazapan

getting mazapan all geared up

the most handsome bull dog you've ever seen

Mia- a better picture

Zo and her roommate adopted some 3 day old feral kitten. They named her Voodoo. She loved their shower 

Zo and a bunch of her friends went into Texcoco for ice cream

Zoe's dorm room in Mexico

my little garden

baby watermelons!

tatum made a frog at school!

I married that sexy ass man!

Zo jumping a Shetland pony..

and then roping it?

Bella's first day of her junior year

some picture Zo sent of mexico

Rachel's first day of her senior year

Bella at work

then i had to go and get my lip pierced

Zoe sending me selfies after she went to mexico city and had her hair done

Friday, November 18, 2022

Meet Luna

 After 14 long months and multiple changed dates, we FINALLY got our car!  I couldn't be more excited or more pleased with her!! She exceeded my expectations and I am so grateful to my sweet husband for his hard work to make this happen!!

he is the best husband in the whole world!