Friday was probably my favorite day. We did all sorts of fun stuff and it was the day Leslie and the girls and Jimmie and Michelle got in.
We decided we were going to take Bev and Jim to lunch as a small thank you for all their hospitality, so after letting the girls hang out for a bit in the morning we headed over to Ashton to Big Jud's, yes, from Napoleon Dynamite, and let me tell you, it was like a scene from the movie. The food is out of this world and the 'show' was just as good.....ha! :)
After lunch we headed to Warm River to feed the fish. There is this place in the river that used to be next to a lodge with a restaurant in it, and the owner/cook/whatever he was used to throw his scraps away into the river. Well, these trout got used to not only that, but also to eating table scraps basically and so not only are they huge, but they never leave this area. They literally just hang out and wait for people to come feed them. We had a bunch of fries left over so we took them over there and had a hay day almost hand feeding these fish french fries....who knew?
After feeding the fish we went back to the splash park in Rexburg. We decided, even after our ordeal the day before, to take the girls back to let them run off some energy. Fortunately, we had no issues this go 'round. WHEW.
We finished up running some errands in town and then headed back out to the house. Leslie and the three girls- Kylie, Cassadee and Tessa we there. All of the girls we so excited to meet "the cousins."
Once the girls met and broke the ice a little bit, they decided to go swimming in the canal. Kylie, being the oldest, was a sweetie and chaffeured all the smaller girls up down and got them out as we all walked beside them and took pictures. They had a blast.
That night fairly late, around 10:30 or 11 or so, Jimmie and Michelle got in from Omaha. We didn't get much of a chance to visit because we had to get the girls to bed to get up early on Saturday. It was a super good day.
Louis and his dad Jim. |
Louis' mom, Bev. |
The whole group at Big Juds, waiting for our food |
Leslie and Cassadee |
Kylie taking Zoe down the canal |
Kylie, Cassadee and Rachel getting ready for their go |
Kylie jumping in the canal after everyone was done floating |
All of the girls after dinner. From left to right: Zoe, Tessa, Rachel, Cassadee, Bella and Kylie |
Kylie has recently gotten into Dubstep and has gotten a program on her computer to start making it. She has a few songs she's uploaded to Sound Cloud which got some likes and she even has a few followers. She was sweet enough to take the time to hang out with Bella and Rachel and teach them the ropes a little bit. Cassadee looks on and gives a sweet smile for the camera. |
Tessa and Zo were busy watching TV with cupcake the dog during all the rest of the commotion. |