Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rachel's birthday events

So, on Rachel's birthday we had to drop her back off at her mom's house by two, so we decided it would be fun and super unique to do a breakfast birthday party with us for her. So we decided on pink and yellow for the color scheme and went nuts from there. I made mini pop-tarts on a stick, mini berry and chocolate chip muffins, orange rolls, and mini pancakes and mini waffles and donuts for the food. Found a bunch of yellow and pink candy to decprate teh table with and made a banner for her. We set it up on Saturday night that way she woke up to it in the morning. It was awesome. The girls loved it and had an absolute blast feeling fancy with their sparkling apple juice and buffet of stuff that was less than nutritious.... eek!!

I got these plastic wine glasses at the dollar store and just added some yellow and pink ribbon to the stem and put "R" stickers on them. Then I took some leftover shoe boxes and wrapepd them in yellow paper and added pink ribbon to them to use as display boxes.

Lemon square gum, bubble gum, bubble tape, strawberry bottles and fruit mentos..all in pink and yellow wrapped with ribbon to use as table decorations.

The banner

The spread....

sorry for the blurry picture...the only one I got of al lthree of them in the morning.

Rachel...big 8

We took them to Chuck E Cheese for lunch, as per the birthday girl's request.v As usual, they had a ton of fun.

There are more pictures to come off of Louie's phone, plus her birthday party with her friends is on Saturday at Wahooz so there will be a post with those too.