Sunday, September 21, 2014


Louis and I have decided it is time to plan a little romantic get away for ourselves. Except for our small yearly trips to Las Vegas, we don't really get away by ourselves. It's hard to make the decision to go away on a trip when you only get your children about 70% of the time. You don't really want to leave them when you do have them. We have opted out of taking them with us on really any big excursions for at least another year or so. I want Zo to be old enough to remember it and also to keep up with us and the older girls. I like to optimize my time when we take vacations and to have to constantly stop and rest or not be able to ride rides because she is too small is not really that awesome. It would hurt hr feelings with everyone else getting to do it, or be unfair to hold the older two back because she couldn't do it. Maybe in the next year or so we will head for Disneyland to test it out and then go from there. Anyways, Louis and I are ready to get away for a bit. We have been throwing a few locations around but haven't come to any conclusions yet. We're thinking of going in April,and some of our possible locations we have been tossing around are Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico and Hawaii. Hawaii is honestly not really high on my list, for some reason I have never really had any huge desire to go to Hawaii. Louis has already been, so not too high on his list either. He lived down in Mexico City for a while so Mexico is on my list, but we have to chose our locale carefully because I want it be somewhere he hasn't really experienced, so maybe a very far away place from Mexico City. I'm leaning towards Punta Cana and he doesn't have any objections, but plans may change. Once we get the trip booked and things solidified then I will update with the final decision!!