Tuesday, September 1, 2015


A  few big things that have been over shadowed by the wedding.

Today is my last day at the Broadway Clinic. An opportunity has come up that is just amazing. I have been offered a position as the lead x-ray tech at a different facility, and my work schedule has been changed to Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. No nights, no weekends, no call, no holidays....this is practically unheard of in the medical world. I am excited and ready for a new opportunity.

We moved. About three weeks ago. House is fab, neighbors are awesome, girls are LOVING all their new friends..we literally have at least 5-6 girls in our house at all times! It is quite exciting, let me tell ya!

And last but not least.....Ive made another facebook account. I deleted my other one about a month ago, just decided I didn't need it....but I miss it! So keep an eye out for that.