Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! We hope you all had a safe, healthy, and fulfilling holiday spent with those you cherish. We had a great day together on the 21st and called that our Thanksgiving for the year. Bella and Zoe went to Tahoe with their dad and had a great time, but they were gone for about five days over the holiday, so we celebrated early!
We were fortunate enough to have all three girls and my parents over at our house for our traditional Thanksgiving feast- turkey, bourbon glazed ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, corn souffle,green bean casserole, orange creamsicle salad, cranberry salad, potato rolls,deviled eggs and of course, the main star- the pies- pumpkin, pecan, dutch apple, and coconut cream.
On the actual day of Thanksgiving, it was just Louis and I. We got Rachel for just a couple hours- we wanted to see her, but we didn't want to bore her with it just being us, so we opted for maybe a little more time at Christmas when all three girls could be together.
Getting ready to get down'n'dirty in the kitchen...ugh.... |
Zoe wasn't feeling well, so she stayed home from school and wound up being my little helper! |
whats Thanksgiving without a turkey butter sculpture?!?! |
my lover and I |
pecan pie |
dutch apple pie |
pumpkin pie |
coconut cream pie |