Saturday, October 1, 2016

2016 Photo Dump VII

I know it has been forever since I have posted anything substantial, but it has been just too busy lately.

We moved in August- more on this later.

The wedding is in 3 weeks.  Wow!

All three girls are rocking school- 6th, 5th and 3rd grades

That is pretty much the big stuff!

Here are some photos in the meantime though....
Our venus fly trap. This thing caught an insane amount of flies. The carnage was real people!

We couldn't help but notice that piece of bread that Zoe annihilated looked like a sloth....

This kid loves crepes!

I do too! :)

The sunset as I was driving home from work one night.

my love trying to show me about how big the tables for the reception are going to be.

Zo's picture was so cute....

...until I turned it over...

I couldn't help but love this license says "MEG LOU"

The girls

us- im not sure what was going on with the lighting or the camera or what...

trying to explain fractions to Bella. Mazzy is helping us.



for your viewing pleasure....I had my hair stripped so I could get it dyed auburn for the wedding.  This is basically what my natural hair color is.  It's been stripped of all dye and is ready for more damage.. :/

what my legs looked like the day after my bachelorette party

when you come back to your desk after being in a patients room and you see your love has dropped you off starbucks and ran away without being seen!

or when you find love notes hidden in your wallet :)

I bought Mazzy a Halloweenshirt

the girls and I having some lunch

Bella adding some songs to our wedding playlist

Bella and me at the mall

Bella and me eating downtown