Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Zoe's 9th Birthday

Zoe's 9th birthday was March 3rd.  I know every year I say some lame thing about how fast time flies and all that- well, it all STILL applies, so let's skip it this year.....

As the very LAST single digit birthday came and went in our house, it was surely a bittersweet event. You can't keep them babies forever ya know, BUT it's still nice to try. :)

We opted out of birthday parties this year.  We have decided to allow the girls two options- 1: a smallish birthday party at a place of their choosing, or 2: cold hard cash in lieu of the party.  We did this last year as well, and they all chose the cash.  Ladies after my own heart, and honestly it makes it way easier on us- we don't have to throw a party. They still get their birthday dinner and if they want to have a few friends over for a sleepover or to watch a couple movies and  binge on junk food- we're good with that, but these huge $300-$400 birthday parties are no more.

Zo decided she wanted an emoji themed birthday dinner. No problem. Luckily with the emoji movie coming out soon (ish??) there were no lack of emoji themed birthday supplies and honestly, how hard is it to make some? Smiley face things are literally EVERYWHERE, and have been for as long as my memory allows, so there ya go.

She chose spaghetti divine, salad, and bread for her dinner choice, Always interesting- they never choose pizza or hot dogs. She also decided on a funfetti cake, but she wanted it to be emoji, so mama (me) set out to work. It turned out well if I do say so myself and will go ahead and say now, the power of pinterest is powerful people. :)

This is what happens when you let your husband help you draw emoji balloons... I'm not sure what kind of emojis he finds on his phone, but I cant find this one anywhere...

This is on our way to lunch.  I take them out to lunch every year on their birthdays.  This year she chose Chick Fil A

Check out my emoji cake and poop cupcakes! :)

The girls sucking helium out of balloons.

Eating dinner

Zoe and Stella.

Her dad got her a curling iron.  She was actually super happy, but I had to laugh at this picture.

This is Stella.  Stella is Zoe's very best friend.  EVER.

Two of my very favorite things- my husband and my dog.