Baby's Head Takes Shape
You might be coping with full-blown pregnancy symptoms (poor girl), but there's plenty of good news too. The folds of tissue in the prominent bump on top — the head — are developing into your baby's jaw, cheeks and chin, which will eventually become one adorable face. And are those little indentations on both sides of the head the sweet dimples you always hoped your baby would inherit from your mom's side of the family? No, they're ear canals in the making. Small dots on the face will form the eyes and button nose in a few weeks. Also taking shape this week: her kidneys, liver and lungs, along with her little heart, which is now beating about 110 times a minute (and getting faster every day).
Measuring Your Embryo
During embryo and fetal development, practitioners measure babies as small as yours from precious little crown to cute little rump. That's because as your baby grows, her legs will be bent, making it hard to get an accurate read on the full length of the body. When you're six weeks pregnant, your baby's crown-to-rump measurement is anywhere from a fifth to a quarter of an inch and growing — making it the size of a nail head or a sweet pea (your little sweet pea!).
Symptoms I've experienced this week:
- morning sickness- Luckily I get sick only in the mornings. Pretty mild so far, but I typically vomit once a morning at this point.
- still fairly emotional and moody, but its improving
- pregnancy brain. I don't remember this at all this early in my other pregnancies, but I'm losing things, forgetting basically everything, kinda just a zombie :)
- exhaustion. I nap pretty much every day. I'm fortunate my work schedule is 9-3 so I've got some extra time for a cat nap or two.