Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving and the 16 week mark

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you out here.  This year the Provost family thanksgiving was a bit different than our typical affair.  First of all, the girls are in Tahoe.  That's not unusual, but what is unusual, is the fact that they missed our annual thanksgiving feast this year.  We had our turkey dinner yesterday and they were already gone by that point.  My parents are also gone- they went to Montana to have Thanksgiving with my step brother.  Another most unusual thing is the fact that my sister Tiffany and her son Isaiah have been living with us for the past month or so, so they joined us this year. So all in all it was Louis, Tiff, Isaiah and me and Tater-Tot.

Just because it was just the four of us didn't mean we had any less food.  Our feast this year included the same things it always does- turkey, ham, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, stuffing,  sweet potato casserole and of course all the cold salads and pies and etc.  By the time it was all said and done- I had prepared almost 25 different dishes.....for four people.  We will have leftovers for days!

I have to work today, so that was the biggest reason for the moving of our feast, but it was pretty nice to get it all over and out of the way.

On another note, today marks the 16th week of pregnancy! We're already almost half way done! Woohoo!!  I'm still getting nauseated and vomiting every now and then but my biggest issue right now is nasal congestion and headaches.  They're both driving me crazy!!  Oh well!  Our next appointment is the anatomical screening ultrasound, so we are really looking forward to that.  We already know the gender, which was always one of the biggest things I looked forward to, but I am really anxious to get see him.  Our first ultrasound was at 8 weeks so he just looked like a little blob, so this one he actually looks like a little baby so thats always fun.

We've already began working on his nursery.  we got his crib and changing table/dresser and all of his bedding, we are just waiting to get the walls painted prior to getting everything all set up.  That's been fun though.  Once we get it all done we will share some pictures.

Other than that I think it's all I got for now!