Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Chester 2020, Part I

Despite, and in part, due to Covid-19, we decided we HAD to get out of town.  With Grandma and Grandpa P down at their summer house in SE Idaho, we had the perfect opportunity!
As most of you know, Grandma and Grandpa P spend most of their time down in the Long Beach area during the majority of the year, but come to Idaho in the crazier summer months.  It worked out nicely to be able to jump in the car one afternoon and we were there by dinner time.
It was so nice to have a low key couple of days!

Ready to hit the road. Tatum and Mazzy are stoked!

Winskie was asleep before we even managed to get out of Boise.

His very first Happy Meal! A childhood milestone for sure! :)

Fat girl Roo got a cheeseburger too

Woke up to enjoy his fries!

.....and back asleep, unfinished fries left between legs for later!

Mazzy and Grandpa P
milk face

Tatum and Grandpa

Tatum with grandma and grandpa