Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Family Update

As always, it seems like it has been forever since I did just a basic family update.  As you can imagine, life is CRAZY these days!!

So lets just jump right in with some house projects we are working on. We had every intention of getting our backyard fully landscaped and finished this summer, but after calling literally no less than 20 landscaping companies and getting no response from any of them....we gave up that pipe dream until next year.

Instead we have turned our attentions indoors and started there instead.  We have been looking at getting new floors for a while, but we had no intention of financing any of it...we're just not credit type of people.  So that means patience was a virtue.  Fortunately, Louis got a decent size bonus this year, so we were able to use that, with plenty leftover to get this done. 

We have started with putting in new flooring in the majority of our home.  We have kept the existing carpet in the bedrooms, playroom and living room.  Everything else has been ripped out and is being replaced.  We are doing a ceramic tile that looks like wood.  Our reasons for this are simple: dogs.  There isn't a hard wood in the world that can withstand a 115 lb pit-bull PUPPY. Wood isn't water proof, scratch proof or any of that stuff that we really do NEED with three big dogs and kids. I love the look of hardwood though, so fortunately this was a win-win option for us.

It should be done within the week, and we can NOT wait!  Living in a tiny room together isnt great circumstances.

Our next project, after the flooring is going to be a baking nook.  I'm not gong to get into this too much now, but it has been drawn up and started as we speak.  It is going to be awesome and will include shelving, a butcher block, ship-lap and all sorts of other wonderful things that I am just so, so, so excited about!

We also decided to put a few things on the back patio to make it a little more enjoyable for Tatum until we are able to get their play area and backyard all done. 

First thing was to try to tackle this damn heat.  We installed patio curtains to enclose the space and provide some shade.  Then we installed a fan and misting system to keep it even cooler. He LOVES this.  We also put in quite a bit of industrial padded gym flooring.  He has a swing and slide and stuff out there and he is constantly falling, so at least now that big ole noggin' is protected!! He also has a water table and picnic table and of course toys and all that good stuff, so he spends quite a bit of time out there. It's been a life saver in this sweltering, miserable heat!

We will take a break once these projects are done, but will probably get the bedrooms carpeted within the next few months.

All of this remodel work has me wanting new furniture.  Well, just a dining room table, so we got that taken care of as well.  We had purchased 4 new bar stools last month , so luckily that is already taken care of.

Once the floors are complete, we have a week off to get the house put back together, and then we are off on vacation for a week!  Which, of course, came with its own list of things to do.  I had to get all sorts of stuff to get us READY to go on vacation.  I had to get both of the boys suitcases.  We needed DVD players for the car and then of course the DVDs to go in it.  Tatum only watches like 2 things, so just Disney movies wasn't an option. None of us had proper 'beach' wear, so we had to get that, plus beach toys and towels. We don't have a pool or anything, nor a beach close, so we just don't have any of this stuff. 

I think we have it all taken care of now though, so it is a nice light at the end of the tunnel for us! We will be heading to the Oregon Coast for a reprieve from heat, a break from the hustle-bustle of living around so many people, and a nice time to just chill and regroup.

We will head out and make it to Portland. We will spend a day there exploring the city.  We will spend the night and half of the next day before we head the rest of the way into Lincoln City, which will be home for the next 5 days.  We will come home through Bend, which we will stop and spend the day/night and make it home the following day. We are really looking forward to this!!

Two days after we get home my dad and his wife are coming for a visit.  Yes, my DAD...as in birth father.  I haven't physically laid eyes on him since I was 15 years old, and that was the first time since I was 6 years old. We just recently reconnected thanks to his newest wife, Sarah, and facebook. So, while this is nerve wracking, it should be awesome.  This is also something that I'm pretty excited for.

That is all that's basically going on 'household' wise. 

Here is what is going on with each of us.

Louis: Working hard.  Not a ton to report here. 

Meagan: Same thing.  Just being a feral housewife and trying to keep everything running smoothly.

Rachel: Is currently on vacation to the Oregon Coast and California.  She has finished her sophomore year online, and will be returning to in person school for her junior year this fall.  She will be taking driver's ed this August, and as you can imagine, she is so excited for this.  She continues to play violin and piano.  She has also recently picked up the electric guitar. Her art skills continue to improve and she is just an outstanding artist.  She recently drew out my newest tattoo.  A family tree, that will go on my back, between my shoulder blades.  Tattoo #12 for me!!  

Bella: Still skates on the regular, and is really, really good.  She is doing 'tricks' that are insane, and was even able to skate with the some of the pros that come to Rhodes. She tells me I'm crazy, but I think they're trying to scout her.  Pro girl skaters are rare, and they are always on the search for them.  Several pro teams come through Rhodes, and twice, she has been approached, watched, and asked for her name.  Anyways, she just does it for enjoyment and could care less if anything comes out of it.

She has a couple camps she is going to this summer.  She's not super excited about that, but it keeps her busy for a little bit.

She got her drivers permit a couple weeks ago! Mercy me....I'm not ready for this!!!!

She also decided she wanted a job, and was hired at Little Caesars with a bunch of her friends.  How grown up is this kid?!?!?!

Zoe: Just got back from a 3 week vacation in Mexico City with her dad. She had a great time. She, of course, is still riding horses...totally her life right now!

She is also going to a few camps this summer, but unlike Bella, is actually looking forward to them.

She has decided she doesn't want to go back to Foothills this fall.  She has chosen a different, homeschooling program, which will allow her to go to the horse stable daily at noon. She will then spend the afternoon with her horse- cleaning, training, and riding.

Tatum: Is the funnest little 2 year old you've ever seen.  He is just so sweet.

We have an appointment with the Autism and Pediatric Neuroscience Specialist next week.  Just for an evaluation, so we can A) Diagnose autism if present B) Get a routine, therapies and schedule worked out sooner than later, if necessary, and C) Get a future plan worked out to get him on the best path possible.

He has started to babble, but he isn't making any logical words.  The babbling is probably on a 9 month level..lots of ga-ga's, and noises, etc, but no mama, dada or anything else.

He has started to grasp the concept of pointing, but it is only prompted and with quite a bit of help.  Waving and other physical gestures aren't present.

On the flip side- he is the MOST social kid you will ever meet. He loves everyone, laughs all the time, makes eye contact and loves to interact with kids his age as well as older kids and adults. So who knows.  All I know, is that he is perfect and the best little dude you will ever meet!!

Jack: Our sweet little nugget.  He is so sweet and he LOVES his mama. Every time mama comes into focus he is nothing but smiles!! 

He, unfortunately, is allergic to milk proteins.  That means that I had to stop nursing and had to start giving him this disgusting formula called Nutramigen.  He hates it and it stinks like dog food.  Poor little guy.  He is 16 weeks old as of yesterday and is already almost 14 pounds.  He is gaining, but he hasn't gotten chunky yet.  Soon hopefully.  He doesn't sleep well, only resting maybe 2-3 hours at a time at most.  I'm hoping once we are able to get him on some solid foods and have to give him less of that gross formula, that he will be more content and fuller. Otherwise, he is happy and healthy.