Tuesday, December 14, 2021

2021 Photo Dump #5: Last of August and September


Winskie and Daddy posing after Tatum's hair cut

Jackie Lou, being about as cute as he can be!

When the girls were little, puffs were flavors like peach, banana, etc.  NOW- Jackie Lou has to eat tomato, mushroom and bone broth puffs.....yuck

Bella's is back there, you can see her head poking through. Killing it at her first job- a hostess at 13th Street Pub and Grill

lunch with Tatum and ZZ at OG...she LOVES that place and chooses it EVERY time its her turn to pick

Louis' bosses wife got this outfit for Jackie...how dapper is this fine little dude?

trying the bouncer for the first time...it's a HUGE hit

Tatum, being on the spectrum, has all sorts of little 'quirks'.  This is probably one of my faves that he has cycled through.  He would line these chairs up like this probably no less than 20 times a day. :) He's moved on to other things now, but it always makes me smile when I see this picture.

Jackie Lou, the Scarecrow

Tatum rockin' his Tesla merch

daddy and mom's- if you notice, it's all 4 models of the Tesla

'Uncle' Josh has a Tesla and was as excited as we were when we ordered ours.  So excited in fact, that he ordered all 4 of us Tesla Merch. Dweeb!  He also ordered Louis a Tesla whiskey decanter.  

this is what happens when a bull dog and a basil get a little too rowdy. He did this on accident, trying to get a ball...

This round went to Titan, but don't you fear, the next match was ALL Basil's

I'm honestly not even sure what is going on here!!! :)

I made zucchini bread.....

This is what I came around the corner too....Tatum loves it apparently!

oh heart be still...he jumps himself to sleep all.the.time

I was making cake for Rachel's birthday....someone might have sneaked a taste...

Rachel and Louis both love the Office...like LOVE IT. Creed came to Boise a few days after Rachel's 16th birthday, so that was one of her gifts- her and her dad went to see him.

This is what I was doing while they were there :)

Bella and one of her girlfriends at their homecoming dinner

another homecoming pic

'the group', at least some of them, more met up at the dance i guess

awe....she makes my heart melt