Sunday, November 24, 2013


SO.......I went to the doctor on Friday for what I knew was going to be an unpleasant experience, but a necessary one, however, it turned in to much more than even I bargained for.

After I had Zoe, I had an IUD put in. I've LOVED it. Never had a single problem with it, but they only last for five years so it was time to get it switched out and replaced with another one. I also needed to have a pap done since I hadn't had one done since I had the IUD inserted five years ago...I know, I the, I was just going to do it all in one appointment. Not fun- pap, IUD out, IUD in, but figured might as well just do it all at once and not think about it again for at least another few years.

Friday rolls around and I'm nervous. Not looking forward to the appointment. Louis is a doll so he stayed the morning home from work so he could take me.  So its finally my turn so I go back and we get the party rolling. The doctor comes in and she gets right to work, she does my pap and then it's time to take the IUD out, so she starts looking for the strings and can't find them. So she gets a little metal claw looking thing and starts "blind sweeping" with it. Basically fishing around with this tool trying to find strings or the IUD or something and pull them down. No luck. After about thirty minutes and three tools later, she gave up. My IUD is literally missing in action. :(

There are two options:
     1) It's perforated my uterus and is somewhere in my abdominal cavity floating around
     2) It's still in my uterus but pushed so far back they can't reach it.

My doctor is about 99% sure it is still in my uterus- I'm not having any pain, no periods still and Im not pregnant...all signs it is in place and working.  I have to have an ultrasound done on the 5th of December to locate it and then based on that we will determine which SURGERY is necessary. Yes folks, SURGERY. I have to have surgery to get this damn thing out. Best case scenario, it is in my uterus and they do what is called a D&C, which is still a pretty big deal. You get put to sleep and in my book, anything that requires you to be knocked out is a big deal. Lame.

So, while I was going to get another Mirena popped right back in, I am no longer gonna do that. Bummer. I will keep everyone updated once I figure out what is going on. Send me good mojo in the mean time!! :)