Wednesday, December 31, 2014


We had a wonderful Christmas day. We had prime rib over at my moms house. Everyone opened presents. Everyone got spoiled. Santa brought the girls all ipod touches, so we've all been communicating throughout the day. Its fun! 

what the girls put in my stoking

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas Eve

I had to work until almost 6 on Christmas Eve so our night was pretty low key. After work, I went home and got changed. Louis gave me my gift-a BEAUTIFUL diamond heart necklace. He already got his gift a few days before. Then we went to my moms house and had dinner, opened a few presents and went home. The girls elf on the shelf- Rikki, had left them each 2 new pairs of jammies! They were stoked! Then it was off to bed so that santa could come!

my present

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Bella's Christmas Play

This year Bella had a speaking part in her school Christmas pageant. I was so excited to see my baby in the spot light!!!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Goodies

I made a ton of goodies to ship out to people. I made peanut butter balls, peanut brittle, pralines, pretzel turtles, chocolate covered pretzels, fudge, Christmas Crack, and peanut butter rice krispie treat things. It's horrible for my thighs, but 'tis the season I guess... :) Merry Christmas to all...and a few pounds in the New Year!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Gingerbread Houses

2014 edition of Gingerbread houses. I didn't make one this year. I was busy doing other things. Louis and the girls made one though, unfortunately we didn't wait long enough and Bella and Louis' fell apart. They crumbled under the weight!!! Everyone had fun regardless though.... :)