I've got the bug. The buying bug. I want something. I wanna buy something. Something big. Like a car, or a house.
I've been looking at both. Truthfully, I'm not ready or in a position to buy either. I just paid my car off, and while it is anything but fancy, racy or pretty, it is reliable, functional, and did I mention- paid off?
We are certainly in no position to buy a house either. There are a million things that need to happen before we can even begin to THINK about buying a house, but I have been looking. I put our income into a calculator to roughly estimate how much house we could afford. That got the ball rolling. I was shocked at what it had to say, so I immediately had to start looking at what a house in that range looked like....and caught the BUG in the meantime. I'm ready for a big, fancy house, but good things come to those who wait. SIGH. Our little house is perfect for now. Location is fantastic, it's cheap, and right next door to my job, but it is small, and not ours.
Then I've moved down to smaller purchases- furniture, appliances, that kind of stuff. I have managed to talk myself out of all that too. When we buy a house we are going to want to buy stuff to fit in THAT house, not this one. Might as well just wait.
Then I figured maybe I will just settle on re-doing the girls bathroom......or buy some curtains for the living room windows, or maybe a few pillows and a rug???? The possibilities are endless.....
LOVER...where are you??? Stop me!!! :)