Friday, July 21, 2017

2017 Photo Dump VI

I was trying to send Louis a picture of Mazzy's hair...she gets very brave in her sleep!! See her razor back fierceness?!

I saw this in Zoe's comic sketch book....ahem.... :)  I laughed until I cried at this one

I may have a sickness.....7 bags of chips....I love chips

I think my car may have been having a bad day....

B Bop in action at her testing foe her orange belt

get em girl!! Im so very proud of her!

what a bad dog!!!

a bit of our farmhouse decor....coming along very, very slowly....

I will re-do the girls bathroom in our new house so I started purchasing the stuff for that.  I wanted to paint little canvas art to go on the wall to match their bathroom set.

eating dinner in Seattle

4th of July. The only picture I have of any of us.

I was stopped at a light by the airport and saw someone on a motorcycle beside me taking a picture, I looked over and behold what I saw- a Ford F-150 up in flames.

The girls had a dentist appointment- good news and bad news-good news first- no cavities for either one of them- still! yay!! 9 and 11 and still never a cavity!!! Bad news- its time for braces!  Bella has an appointment on August 1st to get braces put on....quite the accessory to start 6th grade with.

Lunch at the OG with nana.  We decided to feed our faces before heading to the mall to shop till we dropped for school clothes, which kudos to me- I'm all done with!! YAY! Now just shoes and supplies!

I know this picture is blurry but its just such a rare one to catch them both candidly smiling in the same photo

At the mall they have all these awesome lego monuments built.

A typical summer night dinner around here-its too hot to cook anything!

movie time

white wine sangria....the best summer time drink

at the pool 

Marci and baby Hendrix and Marcus joined us one day!

lunch time

Zoe came home and made a pound of slime, with beads

looks like they had a rough night..... :)