Finally, after weeks of waiting- driving by our lot daily, hoping to see something...ANYTHING, we got our wish last night. They finally broke ground on our house!!!
Funny story- I drove by our lot yesterday morning, say- 10 ish and there was nothing done. I thought maybe the lot looked flattened out, but doubted that was on purpose. Then we picked Rachel up at school and drove by on the way home, at about 3:30, and we see they are digging another lot and that our lot has had several little wooden markers in various colors put on it..I immediately got excited and thought that hopefully they would start pushing dirt today, while Louis, still a little more reserved than I, was hoping for Monday. The girls had the Monster Mash at their school yesterday so after we were all done with that and had dropped everyone off we drove by for a THIRD time at like almost 9 o'clock at night, turned the corner into what will be our driveway and pulled in to a huge hole where our house is going to be!!
I think the hardest part is probably over as far as anticipation goes....hopefully!! I know, just from being the creepy stalker that I am, by watching the progress of the other houses going up around ours ( our house is the second to last house in Phase I of our neighborhood, so everything is brand new) that once they dig, it seems like everything else just starts clippin' along. So we will see, obviously with the colder weather coming up it may cause some delays on our house that these first ones haven't had, but the weather appears to be holding up here for a while. The temperatures are low, but it is dry so I think that is a good thing. I seem to have strong opinions about the right way to build house, when to do it, acceptable weather conditions to build in, etc etc....and let me finish that statement by saying I base all my opinions in 100% NO knowledge of the home construction process at all, and am pretty sure that millions people the world over have been very successful in building their homes in whatever weather...all without my two cents..... :)