Saturday, July 13, 2019

2019 Photo Dump: VI

While the girls were in Croatia they were using this crazy FaceTime app that changed their faces.  Zoe was poop.

and B Bop was an alien

Auntie holding a mean baby!

just a little something to make you giggle! :)

we went and picked cherries out in the orchards in Emmett

we got a ton!

We met the girls at the airport when they come home from Europe

Bella brought Tatum back this onesie from London!

we had a blast hanging out the day after they got back

Bella got a new skateboard at the board room

they love their little brother

playing in the fountains at the Grove

We went shopping at the mall and had lunch at Panera, Zo saw these Harry Potter vans and loved them!!! She HAD to have them!

cousin Zay

fire pit night


hanging with the girls at the farmers market

then at the park

picnic time!

Taters belly button looks like a sloth!

Bella, Tater and I at Snake River tea

Mazzy protecting the baby while I run the trash to the curb