- RECYCLE: This is a given and fortunately one I think most people do. Here in Meridian, we are only allowed to recycle paper and cardboard and plastics labeled with a 1 or 2. We also recycle our glass, but that requires me loading it up and taking it downtown Boise to the drop facility at 16th and State.
- REUSABLE BAGS: Not only do we use reusable bags as often as possible, but we also have reusable mesh produce bags that we use.
- WOOL DRYER BALLS: These balls not only fluff laundry and reduce static, they reduce drying time by about 25% and eliminate the need for dryer sheets.
- BEES WAX PAPER: You can use this stuff just like saran basically.
- CLOTH DIAPERS AND WIPES: This is probably one of the biggest things we do. I'm not going to lie- it takes some commitment to this one. No one really wants to wash and rinse out baby diapers full of poop, but its much easier these days than in days past with nothing but the cotton diapers, and with it taking almost 400 years for a single diaper to break down....I feel its worth it.
- HYBRID CAR: Only one of our cars is hybrid, but less fuel use means less emissions.
- REUSABLE STARBUCKS CUPS: I drink a trenta dragon drink every day. Seriously. I finally bought a reusable cup because the Starbucks plastic is a 5 and doesn't break down and the trash it accumulates was ridiculous.
The nice thing about some of the going green business is that it saves money in the end. For diapers and wipes especially, but also dryer sheets and Saran Wrap and things like that. While the savings aren't huge, they are there and it never really hurt anyone to go back to their roots a little bit and do things the right way even if its a little less convenient.