I figured I would do a proper post now that I am basically recovered and back in the swing of things.
Obviously, things with my surgery went well. We headed over to the St.Luke's surgery center bright and early at 6:15 in the morning. It was nice to be the first patient there because as soon as I got there, I went right back and we got the whole process started. I got changed into a gown, did a urine sample for a pregnancy test, and all the necessary vitals. My nurse started an IV in my arm- which she infiltrated, no fun. Then she started another one, with success, luckily. My surgeon came in, took my gown off, took about three seconds and drew a blue line down the middle of my chest and then a small line under each breast, looked at it and said "I'll see you in there," and walked off. No measuring or anything...I was like oh my goodness.... Anyways, then the anesthesiologist came in, Dr.Payne...go figure, my doctor was named Dr.Payne! :), she explained that I would be intubated with a machine breathing for me, and that she was going to be ordering medications for me. She would order anti-nausea medication, pain medications during the procedure and for my stay in recovery, as well as hit me with an anti-anxiety med prior to going back. Louis and I said ok, and about 5 minutes later my nurse was back with my pre-op anti-nausea and anti-anxiety medication. It took about 30 seconds after her pushing the Versed for me to check out. I remember nothing else. I don't remember saying bye to Louis, I don't remember giving him love, and I don't remember getting rolled into the operation room. Amazing. The next thing I remember is being asked if I could take a sip of water. I wasn't in pain, but could tell there was pressure and I was breathing shallow....I knew I must be done!!! They gave me a package of saltines and I drank a few more sips of water and then moved from the bed to the chair. Once I was in the chair they let Louis come in to recovery with me. While I was out still the surgeon went and talked to Louis. It took about 1 1/2 hours to do the procedure, and they turned out well. He didn't have any problems or complications and he gave Louis the warranty card for my implants. Yes folks- each of my breasts have a barcode and warranty on them. Yea, I'm fancy! ;) About 11:30, after a dose of Percocet and being able to keep down my water and crackers, they let Louis take me home. I was fine until about 4-5 that evening- during the operation, Dr.Sorensen injected lidocaine into my breasts so essentially they were numb for a few hours. I could still fell the pain/pressure/stretching/tightness of my skin, but the actual muscle was numb. Boy oh boy, I knew when that stuff wore off though. My boobs hurt and my back ached and ached. You sit all hunched over because sitting up right with proper posture stretches those muscles in your boobs and its the absolute last thing you want to do. While I knew and was prepared for pain in my chest, nothing prepared me for the pain in my back. It feels like I need to stretch it out but cant! I stayed drugged up for the first three days, slept a little but mostly just stayed in a stupor. On Friday, I was finally able to get up and really going. Bandages came off, T-shirt went on. I am still getting through. They are a little bit sore still but not bad at all really. The skin is stretched extremely tight
so it is shiny a little bit, but they have started to settle and get in place.
I'm happy the whole process is over. I love them and am extremely happy with them. There were all sorts of stresses going through my mind- the operation itself, was I going to regret them, were they going to be too big, too small, etc etc., but like I said, I love them and they're perfect! They ended up being a 34 DD which is what we were going for, but due to everyone's muscles relaxing a little different, they can't guarantee EXACTLY what size they will be, so that was a relief. I would have been ok with anything between a C and DD and am A-OK with the latter! :)