Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Valentine's Day

We hope you all had a great day on love day with those you love. I had an absolutely fantastic V-day this year.

It started off with me getting to totally redecorate our bathroom..I spent all weekend and far too much money to do so, but it looks fantastic...stay tuned for pictures!!

On Valentine's Day, I made my loves a sweet breakfast of two toned pancakes, sugared bacon, sausage and V-day fruit skewers and of course some pink milk.  It was a huge hit. 

After breakfast we got ready and made our way to Barnes and Noble where the girls got some hot chocolate and looked at books. Coincidentally, Rachel and her mother were there, so we were able to say hello to her!!

We dropped the girls off at their dads house around 2 and then Louis and I decided it was time to head to the furniture store.  I want a new bedroom set, so off to Mor we went.  Unfortunately there was nothing good there so went to Pottery Barn. Still nothing good, so we decided to cruise around the mall. We ended up at Express buying my lover some new jeans and stuff....man he is one good lookin' guy!

After the mall we went home to get ready for our Valentine's Day date!! We went to dinner at Lock Stock n barrel....super yummy prime rib. After dinner we were going to go to see Deadpool, I even bought the tickets, but he decided after dinner that he didn't want to go. His exact words are he wanted to go home and snuggle....awe so sweet!!

We stopped at Fred Meyer on the way home and got some ice cream and hazelnut gelato and watched some TV. All in all it was a fantastic day!!
the table setting