Last Saturday was absolutely gorgeous outside, so we decided to once again, go one a little random adventure to somewhere none of us had ever been. This weeks winner was Bruneau Sand Dunes outside of Mountain Home. It takes roughishly an hour to get there and you can rent sand boards in the visitors center. It's $15 dollars and you get them all day long, which is far longer than you will probably need them honestly.
We packed a lunch and headed over there about 11am, got there around noon, ate our lunches and hit the sand. Apparently this sand dune is the largest dune in North America or something along those lines. Anyways, these boards are basically wooden snowboard looking things, you wax them each time you go down, and you just fly! Its a blast, but tiring, so after about 90 minutes, the girls were exhausted and ready to come home.
driving in the car |
lookin' at things in the visitors center |