Sunday, January 14, 2018

It's the Final Countdown...

Flash back to the year 1986....well, maybe for some of you, I was only 2...but anyways back to fantasy, in comes a woman...wait, it s a man with a head full of blond(ish), permed hair and a one hit wonder. It's the band Europe and they're rocking the only tune you will ever know from them..... It's the final countdown....

ok, maybe only MY head went there after reading that title, but we all know the song, so just play along with me, K?

HoP is done!!! Well, 99% done.  They're in the stage of going through and doing finishing touches such as putting handles on cabinets and such and then the grading is being done Tuesday or Wednesday and then the appraiser comes out for the final inspection and that's it.  They need to clean that bad boy up and then we get to do our walk through and start blue taping it. 

So, on Tuesday the 23rd we will go out there for a 2-3 hour New House Orientation where they walk us through all of our systems and how to operate everything, yes, we seriously have to do this, but then, we go through that puppy with like 2-3 rolls of blue painters tape and mark everything we don't like and then that gets fixed prior to our closing on Friday the 26th.  Now, we've already gone through and taped some of the bigger things- dry wall issues, etc and some of those have already been addressed, but I have a list of about a million things to mark still.

Just to be clear, this is not because they've been doing a bad job, it's just because I want and expect as close to perfection as possible.  Like, the thermostat is slightly crooked- taping it, some of our cupboard handles aren't lined up- taping it, there's some texturing I don't like- taping it, there's a crack in a piece of baseboard- taping it.  It is hard for me not to get upset some days when I go in and see certain things, like upside down plugs.  I'm like WTF?!?!  For those of you who don't really know me, let me explain something, I'm the nicest person you will probably ever meet.  I'm empathetic to a fault and will most certainly put other's needs and wants before my own at any time, however, my fuse is short and my tolerance for anything I see as bullshit (whether it truly is or not), is pretty much non existent, once again, to a fault.  So some days I come out of our house like a lion, just pissed off about stupid things.  In my head, I think, why would you do that?  Do you not see you put the F-in plug upside down?!?! etc.  Then Louis reminds me that I have the best possible position- I just get to go in and start telling people what I don't like and then I get to leave and it becomes their problem.  I have to do nothing more than just say something and poof, the problem is taken care of.

I know this makes me sound like a tyrant and that's ok, but for any of you that have built a house out there, you know what I'm talking about.  Some pretty ridiculous stuff gets done and you wonder if the worker doing that, really thought a plug installed at a 60 degree angle was going to fly.  Perhaps it does with some people, I dont' know. I'm just of the school of thought that you do something right the FIRST time, at least to the best of your ability, and then, guess what.... you don't have to come back and undo what you've done, fix the mess up, and then re-do it properly.  We've spent too much money on this house to let the little things go.  We paid to have them install the handles on the cupboards for a reason- cuz it's a pain and can be difficult to get things properly aligned.....I could have installed them all crooked myself and saved us $500. See what I'm sayin'?

Anyways, before we even broke ground we were told to prepare ourselves for a bumpy ride.  It has honestly been a really easy and pleasant experience and I would re-do it in a heartbeat.  We love the way its coming together and we couldn't be more excited to get to actually move in!