Happy Father's Day to all you amazing dads out there. It is a tough job to be a dad- you have to be the supporter and protector, the rock and foundation, the person we all lean on, and some of us do a lot of leaning. You have to be the one to dish out the discipline but also the one who wraps arms around them as they climb up in your lap while watching a movie because they're scared. The toughest part is that you don't HAVE to do any of this. Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad or daddy. Luckily for me and mine, we all have dads/daddys in our lives! My girls, all three of them, have amazing men in their lives. Their father/father figures and grandfathers are all amzing. The are setting examples for them now how they should be treated by a man and the expectations they should have from a man. Any man that enters into the lives of these three little girls are gonna have huuuge shoes to fill. I love you and thank you Louis and Jim for all you do for us and Jason I thank you for being an amazing dad and giving me two of the best things I could have ever asked for. :)
For Father's Day, we were pretty low key this year. We started the day out by going out to breakfast. Louis loves Denny's, so we headed over there and had some vittles. It was actually surprisingly good! :) After that, we loaded up and went over to my moms house. He took the girls to the pool swimming and I stayed back and me and my mom cooked up a Father's Day feast. I made potato salad and key lime tarts to go with the ribs and stuff she was making. I also made cookies n cream cupcakes for our relay for life bake sale at work. I made both Louis and Jason the same gift for fathers day- a picture frame with the word "dad" spelled out with pictures of the girls. They both really liked it. Papa got a bottle of wine and grandpa P is getting a random bunch of stuff that Louis has been putting together. :) Anyways, it was nice because all of us were able to get together at nana and papas- me and Louis, Jason and Shelly and nana and papa and of course all three girls. It's nice that we can all be adult and join forces for the girls. The only people who suffer when parents cant get along is the children and I'm thankful that through it all we have all been able to remain adult about things.