Sunday, June 8, 2014

2014 Photo Dump III

They opened the pool at my mom's house the last week of May. It is a really nice pool area. The main pool is a saline infinity pool. It is so nice for the pool to be saline, it is sooo much easier on your eyes. It is nice and warm and has a really cool set up, it only goes to 5 feet deep but it starts at 3 feet at both ends, and in the middle reaches five feet. Not too deep, but it's nice enough to do laps on and for the girls to jump into and dive for their rings and stuff.

We headed over there one day and I hadn't eaten all day long and was starving and just absolutely could NOT wait until we got to my moms, and we pass right by Boise Fry Company in Bown Crossing, so we stopped and got some fries. I really like Boise Fry Company, it's kinda fun.