Sunday, June 8, 2014

Zoe's Kindergarten Graduation

June 3rd was Zoe's kindergarten graduation. We were all able to make it so that was nice. I can't believe that my little monsters are already in third and first grade...crazy!! Anyways, she got to go pick out a dress and of course she picked out some frilly fluffy little number. Her school only has one full day kindergarten class and then one half day kindergarten class, so all in all there were like 30 kids graduating. They performed three songs and did the handing out of the 'diplomas' and then afterwards had a cookie and punch reception. It was Tuesday morning, and one of the days I work, but fortunately my co-worker is awesome and covered me for three hours so I could attend. Good job ZoZo, we are super proud of you buddy!!

She is in the front row with the pink dress with a white sash on it.

Miss Cain is Zo's teacher and is getting ready to present the certificates

her comes Zoe

Zoe telling everyone what she wants to be when she grows up- a Veternarian

Zo and nana

Zo and Louis

me and ZoZoer's

Zo and Miss Cain