Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wagons Ho

Anyone who grew up in Idaho pretty much remembers their fourth grade field trip to wagons least anyone I know does!
Anyways, for those of you who don't know, part of the  fourth grade curriculum here in Idaho is Idaho history and of course, like the rest of the US, that contains a lot of "pioneerish" type stuff. Wagons Ho is an all day field trip to a local park, where the kids get to spend the day doing all sorts of old timey things: make butter, brand "cows", make pioneer toys, cook on an open flame, etc.  The kids love it every year and this year I was lucky enough to get to be a parent volunteer with Bella's class.  I worked in the kitchen station helping the kids to prepare a meal for the parent volunteers of beef stew, sourdough biscuits, salad, berries, cole slaw and brownies for dessert.  It was a blast.
Here are a few pictures from our pioneer adventures!!
on the bus

Bella and Brenner

Mr. C, the wagon master

Bella shaking cream into butter

Getting ready to slice the dough into biscuits

Sienna and Bella playing with their button on a string

getting ready for the class picture

Ms.Alberts 4th grade class

meandering after the lunch and stuff

my view....I washed dished, more dishes and more dishes

after the stations were done, they had some ole time games like sack races, three legged races and tug o war

'Marta and Bella gettin' it

it was girls against boys in tug-o-war...we won!