Friday, November 3, 2017

House of Provost, part VI

Here are a few pictures we've snapped along the way. Nothing too impressive to most of you I'm sure, but I'm so excited every single day that I go out there and there's so much as even one new little thing done.  I love watching the progress and knowing that every little item that gets marked off, means we are that much closer to moving in!  We were out there on Wednesday evening and they had buried the utility lines and we waiting for the city to come inspect on Thursday.  Today, there are hoping to start back filling the dirt and pouring the driveway and such.

On Wednesday the project manager was out there and we were able to meet him, super nice guy and his wrap sheet of the some of the neighborhoods he's been working on was impressive.  I was slightly worried- the project manager we were originally working with seemed great, detail driven and focused on the small things, but then they moved him to another area where they needed his level of expertise, but then they brought in the big guns- Steve. I'm honored to have Steve as part of our home building team and am excited to get to work with him! :)

this is right after the y dug, getting ready to do the footing

showing the girls

footing is complete- on to the foundation, which we are already past, but this is as far as the picture uploads go!