Saturday, November 25, 2017

Photo Dump 2017, post IX

the sweet notes your kiddos leave you that brighten even the darkest of days :)

Zoe and her friend Teagan having breakfast at Java one morning on a no school day the got to have a sleep over

Bella went to Missoula to visit her aunt at college.  They all bundled up and went to a foot ball game.

look how old zo looks here! This is whileBella was in Montana. Lunch at which wich

zoe's wonder presentation in school

homemade mac'n'cheese...yum

As a good deed, the entire Longfellow elementary grabbed rakes and lawn bags and set out one rainy afternoon to rake up Boise's North End!

Louis and I go on a walk every morning pretty early- like 7 am, one morning we came to this...Zoe got us all set up :)

more pics of B goofin' off at the game

Rachel had a violin recital. Did awesome!

We made a wreath for the Festival of Trees. It was Idaho theme since they study Idaho history in fourth grade. I think it turned out super cute!

Rikki, our Elf on the Shelf came, bringing advent calendars and suckers for the girls :)

i was eating it in the shape of a one in this house agrees and they all insist i was just eating the middle of the pie

clearly, Bella is NOT impressed :)

Louis' Thanksgiving leftover sandwich....more on this later!! :)

fruit pizza! hardly qualifies as breakfast, but in our house, its works just fine!

Mazzy loves Rachel!

Zoe built a stable for her horse spirit.  Pretty cute :)

I took this picture and thought it turned out pretty cool.  Especially if you had a better camera than my iphone and some awesome photo editing skills- you could probably make this a pretty cool photo