Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Gift Ideas for the Teachers

I have always appreciated teachers. I understand how hard they work and how little appreciation they receive. They receive little to no funding and often times are using money from their own pockets to supply their classrooms with the necessary supplies. This year, the girls both have wonderful teachers, and after having spent several hours in Zoe's classroom volunteering to help teach these little monsters math, I have grown to an even greater appreciation for all they do and the patience they must have. I was scouring the internet for some ideas for Christmas gifts for them, and came across several super cute ideas. I haven't decided yet which one I am going to do, but thought I'd share what I had found so that you all could use any if you wanted/needed to. :)

**** Here is what I thought about doing....kinda mixing a few ideas and creating my own. The problem is Zoe's teacher is young, and unmarried, but has a long term BF, who, I assume, she will marry one day. Therefore, I don't want to make her anything for her classroom that has her name or a monogram initial, because as soon as she is married, it will need to be taken down. SO- Here is what I was thinking....take the above idea of the melted crayon art, but make it in the shape of a heart, and then instead of putting her name on it, putting this quote on: "The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book."