Monday, December 30, 2013

Spoiled Rotten....

I got what I always wanted for Christmas this new industrial kitchen aid mixer. This sucker is a beast. It makes fondant and all sorts of ooey gooey stuff that is almost impossible to make without a high power stand mixer. Thanks lover of mine. I also got the new Uggs with the bows in the back. Yup. Love them!! I hated the regular Uggs that were just brown and didn't have any shape or personality to them, but these are black and have bows and are so super cute!! 

My sweet, handsome lover got a new mac book pro so he had to get a bunch of accessories to go with that. He got a henge dock, magic track pad, and plug bug. He was pleased.

Merry Christmas to us and to you all, and to all and good year! ;)