Tuesday, December 12, 2017

HoP's Mojo

We were able to go into the house a few weeks ago and write our positive affirmations on our walls prior to them being insulated and dry walled.  We have centered all of our energy and focus on this house and have asked the universe to bless our house with positive vibes, good energy, happiness and love. 
Not only was this awesome and brought home the fact that this was our house, but it was fun for the girls...and us!! :) 

This is the top of the door way going into our room. Louis' handy work :)

Zoe wrote this in our room

this is in the master bedroom. I did this L+M prior to knowing Louis did the one above the door.  The girls had a blast drawing on our walls particularly! :)

This will be the door frame to the patio door from the master.  Obviously Mazz will be using that door to go out to potty sometimes so Zo wished her good tidings!

These studs are all across our living room

Bella's height.....despite the fact that she is not 12.....

This made my heart hurt...... I love all the little motivational quotes the girls came up with on their own.

Zoe's room

Zo's window seat